SK6RUD/SA6RR BEACONS - WE SPAN THE GLOBE WITH QRPP POWER! (New QRG, 10.131 MHz due to recommendations...)
ON AIR - 0.8 Watt
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We are very pleased if you make a report below. Some transmitters is model "Michigan Mighty Mite".
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NEW QRG 10131 kHz

Highscores: 2008-11-04, 500 kHz by AA1A-Dave, 5832 km! 2010-01-11, 10133 kHz by ZL2FT-Jason, 17680 km!

The goal of our radio beacons is to show how, with a very low power (0.5 watts), it is possible to establish contact over both short and long distances when propagation permits.
For the Radio Amateur, it's not neccessary to have an answer to the question "why did you do it?", the fact that something poses an interesting technical challenge is often reason enough!

EA2CAR  Kike  21-10-2024  23:35  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  IN82PV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1942  Icom IC-746 Ant vertical 6 mars long QTH: Vitoria (Spain) 
DO9JW  Jürgen  21.10.2024  12:15  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO30VL  Click here to get position on Google Map  832  IC-705 and homemade Ganwant antenna for portable usage.  
DL1BAK  Leo  21.10.24  1039  1  10  559   JO43SW  Click here to get position on Google Map  433  lazy delta loop, FT817  
DL1DWR  Udo  20.10.2024  1900  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JO60VW  Click here to get position on Google Map  715  vertical for 10MHz after Repeare it wokks well 
OE5POP  Ed  19.10.2014  20:35  1  10  599  599  9091  599 without Pre Amp on my 3 EL Fullsize Yagi for 10 mHz. Good Sig!! 
I/DL2GWZ  Alex  18-Oct-2024  21:00  1  10  549  JN46PD  Click here to get position on Google Map  1269  UFB at 10 m long vertical endfed antenna and KX2. 73 from Lake Como 
SP1MWK  Krzysztof   17.10.2024  15:05  1  10  549  JO74SE  Click here to get position on Google Map  389   
DL6WT  Juergen Huebinger  16.10.2024  08  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JN39VV  Click here to get position on Google Map  893   
DL1NBM  Peter  16.10.2024  08:02  1  10  599  JN49MV  Click here to get position on Google Map  865  Ant: Dipol TRX: IC 7300 
GW4HDR  Alan  15 Oct 2024  20:22  1  10  549  IO83GH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1122  Rhyl, North Wales coast. IC705 doublet at 10m agl. 549 some QSB 
F5NZY  Steph  15/10/2024  08:40  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  Excellent condx. IC-7610, inv v dipole. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
F6HQP  Marc  15/10/2024  0740  1  10  549  JN25WN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1395  LOOP 83M 
OH3R  Yrjö  13.10.2024  10:36  1  10  559  KP20TX  Click here to get position on Google Map  829  Nice stable signal. Loop antenna for 40 and 80 meters. IC7300. QTH Lahti Radio Museum Finland. 
SP6CTC  Olgierd  02.10.2024  1348  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JO81BP  Click here to get position on Google Map  667  HL2+ and dipole 
DL1DT  Ole  13.10.2024  06:12  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JO51GK  Click here to get position on Google Map  674  ant endfed lw 41mtr up11m trx icom ic7300 
G4WTF  Ian Kirkpatrick  12/10/2024  2015  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  IO82PB  Click here to get position on Google Map  1156  KX3 EFHW Hereford City UK 
IZ4BEI  steve  12/10  21.02  1  10  s5 8  JN63IX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1486  freq.10.131 cw usdr+ dipolo windom  
OH8UBJ/P  Juha  12.10.2024  11:36  1  10  539 qsb  KP34AO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1070  Rig: Patrolfone: RT1158/URC-87 military manpack radio Antenna: 62m long twin lead fed doublet connected to antenna and groud connectors. 
PH9E  Erik  12-10-2024  10.50  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  339  JO33GE  Click here to get position on Google Map  611  QSB QTH Groningen NL Antenna: 22m horizontal wire + 9:1 unun + tuner @5m high 
IK1ZYO  Stefano  10/10/2024  07:49  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN45AN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1351  Nice signal 
IK1APW  Emanuele  08/10/2024  16:00  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN44JR  Click here to get position on Google Map  1430  Fine tone and stability 
ON6QS  GIL  08/10/2024  10  1  10  55  JO20IQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  911  fb signal. IC7600 ant dipole 10m up 
F5NZY  Steph  06 Oct 2024  21:25  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  Excellent copy. IC-7610, OCFD. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
UA2FAI  Alex  06 10 2024  08 28  1  10  549  KO04HR  Click here to get position on Google Map  562  rig G-90 ant LW qth Kaliningrad 
OK1QM  06.10.2024  06.41  1  10  579  JO70TP  Click here to get position on Google Map  766  73 and nice days to sweden, jan, ok1qm 
G0MFR  gareth  05/10/2024  2215  1  10  559  IO80VX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1205  Nice constant signal strength 
OE8FBF  Harald  05.10.2024  19:50  21  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN76BQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  1188  IC7300 monoband inv Dipole 
DK1HW  Wolf  5.10.2024  16:44  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO42TG  Click here to get position on Google Map  601  elecraft K2 doublet up 15m 2x25m 
UA2FBQ  Victor Chernyshov  03.10.2024  17:00  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  KO04GQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  560  My rig: FT-450, my antenna: W3DZZ via tuner MFJ-949E, 15 M up. 
SP6CTC  Olgierd  02.10.2024  1348  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO81BP  Click here to get position on Google Map  667  SDR Hermes Lite + dipole 
DL1QC   Karsten  20240210  14.07  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO52WE  Click here to get position on Google Map  577  vy 73 
PA3EQN  Peter  02-10-2024  12;:20  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  459  J32CC  6167  G4RV Junior op 10m Rig: Expert Electronics MB1 (SDR) RST 459 -579 
LY2LE  Gintaras  2024-10-02  9:58  1  10  599  KO06NA  Click here to get position on Google Map  525  Zepp, IC756 
OE8PRK  Raimund  01.10.2024  16:57  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  Rig.Icom-736.Ant.FD4 Qsb  
G4YDL  PAUL  30/10/2024  20:35  1  10  428  IO91PM  Click here to get position on Google Map  1087   
F5NZY  Steph  30 Sept 2024  08:05  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  QSB but solid copy. IC-7610, OCFD. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
OK4NCA  Venca  29.09.2024  10:56  1  10  569  JN99DQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  923   
F4FAP  Eric  Sept 28 2024  2052  40  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  IN98ED  Click here to get position on Google Map  1407  Hard to receive. Disturbed by side digital trafic. Anyway, the CW filter does the job. FT857, 5.6m whip on balconny. 
DK3WM  Werner  28.09.2024  16:09  1  10  569  JO41RI  Click here to get position on Google Map  702  big sig on my 23m wire in 10m up - 73 
DL3KGR  Rainer  27.09.2024  12:00  1  10  529  JO41EQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  692  Dipol 10 Meter over Ground QTH: near Dortmund QSL pse to  
DL8OAY  Klaus  23.09.24  12:30  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JO52AO  Click here to get position on Google Map  557  very strong signal in North Germany 
PB1DX  Victor  22-9-2024  18:00  1  10  569  JO33HE  Click here to get position on Google Map  608  EFRW 9:1unun 3m above ground. QSB. 73 
IZ1ULN  Alex  22/09/2024  21:15  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN44SF  Click here to get position on Google Map  1476  ant. long wire rig yaesu FT757GX qth near Genoa (50km) 73 de Alex  
YO2NAA  Ady  21-Sep-2024  20:20  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  KN05NS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1405  FT-DX10 antenna Dipole 
SP5XO  Tom  21.09.2024  09:40  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  KO02ME  Click here to get position on Google Map  776   
PE1RDP  Arno  18-09-2024   13:40  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO21SR  Click here to get position on Google Map  782  QMX QRP labs. 10m wire only 1m above ground. In the forest to have zero QRM.  
IU4OEX  Claudio  18/09/24  14.16  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  JN54IH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1456  Weak and noisy signal but understandable 
M0HNK/P  Richard  17/09/2024  15:25  1  10  549  IO81VS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1149  Elecraft KX1 with random wire 
MM0BGW/P  Andrew  15/09/2024  1130  1  10  509  IO88GE  Click here to get position on Google Map  970  ft817. 11m sloper upto 17ft looking ne to North Sea. 133m asl 
DG4FCJ  Thomas  15.09.2024  09:11  1  10  338  JO40IG  Click here to get position on Google Map  832  IC706, 13m Dipol, fldigi decode 
DL7PV  Achim  14.09.24  2130  3  Click here to get a full report list  0.5  569  JO62NL  Click here to get position on Google Map  541  479 Khz SA6RR 
R1QV  GUROV SERGE  14.09.24  07:15  1  10  599  KO98FV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1502  QSB RST 339-559 Ant GP 28 mHz tx x IC 756PRO QTH nr Cherepovets KO98fv 73! R1QV  
SQ9IWS  Mateusz  13.09.2024  19:24  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  578  JO90OD  Click here to get position on Google Map  901   
DL5SD  Ernst  13.09.2024  15.40  1  10  569  JO62JW  Click here to get position on Google Map  490  ic7300,g5rv 
DM5TU  sTef  13.09.2024  15:00  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO50QX  Click here to get position on Google Map  714  579 qsb in qth Weimar.Rx K3. Ant is trap dipole 10m above gnd. 72/3 es all the best. 
DL0DM  Severin  12.09.2024  8:27  1  10  559  JN58SD  Click here to get position on Google Map  1027   
DL1AAA  Tom  11.09.2024  20:45  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JO41XM  Click here to get position on Google Map  674  Nice and clear to copy, 549 in Goettingen, IC-705 + Dipole 12m up  
DF6DOM  dominik  11.09.2024  20:35  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  439  JO49XR  Click here to get position on Google Map  314  QCX mini, short top loaded vertical (2.5m)  
OH1KH  Saku  11.09.2024  07:04  9  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  KP01TN  Click here to get position on Google Map  680  IC7300 + Rybakov 
DF8XO  Werner  08.09.2024  14:50  1  10  559  JO42HC  Click here to get position on Google Map  643  Strong Singnal for more hours here in Germany.  
DL7PV  Achim  070924  1044  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO62NL  Click here to get position on Google Map  541  Ant Delta Loop, TRX IC 7610 
DL4XAV  Voxy  07.09.2024  10:36  1  10  559  JO52PW  Click here to get position on Google Map  500  40m long Windom ANT - deep QSB 
DL3ZID  eberhard  05.09.24  19:58  3  Click here to get a full report list  0.5  579  JO53PO  Click here to get position on Google Map  428  KIWI-SDR good audible 
M0KKB  Stephen King  5/9/2024  0557  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  JO01MG  Click here to get position on Google Map  1019  RSP2PRO with 40m EFHW @5m 
IV3BKE  Gianluca  04/09/2024  21:18  1  10  579  JN65OW  Click here to get position on Google Map  1268  RIG: Xiegu x-6100 ANT: monoband dipole 
S50TX  Nejc  4.9.2024  19:40  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN75GX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1269  endfed in inv. V shape 40m long 
SP6CW  Rob  03,09,2024  15:50  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO80GP  Click here to get position on Google Map  782  ant. dipole 
F6BPB  Pierre  03/09/2024  07/07  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  42  JO11EA  Click here to get position on Google Map  978  WIth some QSB Rig IC705 Ant NVIS up 3 m QTH Dunkerque 73 see page on QRZCQ.COM 
F4FAP  Eric  Sept 3 2024  0650  40  Click here to get a full report list  10  519  IN98ED  Click here to get position on Google Map  1407  Weak but clear, slow QSB. FT897, 5m whip on balconny surrounded by concrete and trees... 
OE8PRK  Raimund  01.09.2024  16:38  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  Rig.Icom-736.Ant.FD4, Qsb 
OO7Z  Peter  2024/09/01  07:15  1  10  579  JO21LA  Click here to get position on Google Map  870  Receiver: RGO ONE Antenna: Rybakov 806. 
GM4EVS  Dave  31 August 2024  0826  6  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  IO86GK  Click here to get position on Google Map  994  Elecraft K3 30m GP antenna, base 3m AGL, 2 elevated radials, good ground QTH nr Perth  
SQ9IWS  Mateusz  29.08.2024  17:56  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JO90OD  Click here to get position on Google Map  901   
IK1ZOD  FABRI  27/08/2024  21  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN34SH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1495   
DL4YEL  Robert  2024/08/27  18:45  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JO31QO  Click here to get position on Google Map  730   
YO5IM  Mircea Iancu  25/08/2024  22:14  1  10  579  KN07WB  Click here to get position on Google Map  1295  Icom 7300 EFHW multiband antenna 
MW0BGL  Alan  25/08/2024  2155  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  IO71VQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  1263  Using a TS590 with 50m long wire in Llanelli, South Wales, UK.  
IC8SQS  SALVATORE  25/08/2024  18:23  1  10  -87DB  JN60XR  Click here to get position on Google Map  1848  SETUP FLRXRADIO 6400+ROTARY DIPOLE 30/40M 
SP6CW  Rob  25,08,2024,  07:56  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO80GP  Click here to get position on Google Map  782  Ant.dipole 784 km qth Owl Mountains GD GL! 
ON6YO  Daniel Wijns  25 August 2024  10H50  1  10  549  JO20CW  Click here to get position on Google Map  907  Receiver FT891 + Vertical Multiband antenna with autocoupler chameleon URT1 QTH Opwijk Belgium 
G4AWP  Richard Parker  25/08/2024  06:43  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  IO94LA  Click here to get position on Google Map  944  I am using an IC705 current aerial dipole at only 3m !! 
F5NFB  Jo  24/08/2024  20:49:00  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JN18FR  Click here to get position on Google Map  1181  Big QSB. Difficulties to read the message. WX: Blue sky with no storms around. 
G0JPS  Kit  22 Aug 2024  18:45  1  10  529  IO81RL  Click here to get position on Google Map  1187  Received in Bristol City Centre, on RSP2 PRO SDR, Ant vertical. 
F5NZY  Steph  20 Aug 2024  05:40  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  An FT8 signal interferes with reception. IC-7100, OCF dipole up 9m. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
DL1MKJ  Markus  19.08.2024  18:35  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO31PD  Click here to get position on Google Map  778   
PA/DK7FH  Frank  18.8.24  0820  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO11SJ  Click here to get position on Google Map  894  Please I am interested in the power you use for the 10m beacon. The Signal was outstanding. Frank:  
PA/DK7FH  Frank  18.8.24  7. 30  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JO11SJ  Click here to get position on Google Map  894  Solid Signal. No real S meter. BUDDIPOLE in FT 857.  
OE5ANL  Hans  17.08.2024  20:30  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JN78DH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1009  IC-7610 + endfed 
IN3CEL  Claudio  15/08/2024  19:25  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  439  JN55KV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1280  homebrew analog trx with homebrew end fed ant. Qth Riva del Garda (nr TRENTO) 
ON5CD  Ivo  14/08/2024  22:20  1  10  559  JO20GX  Click here to get position on Google Map  890  UR QRPP beacon on 10131.0 is a constant 559 in jo20gx on my delta loop on the vertical 529 and on the rotatibole dipool at 24m hight 579 Regards on5cd ivo  
HA6NN  Andras  8 August 2024  17:20  1  10  559  JN98VC  Click here to get position on Google Map  1127  N5J DXpedition has chosen this frequency for sending CW and others use it for FT8! Is that OK for you? 
DL6ED  Holger  14.08.2024  0719  1  10  539  JO31MH  Click here to get position on Google Map  769   
PA/DK5KK  Kolja  13.08.24  11:04  1  10  599  JO23JC  Click here to get position on Google Map  695  K2, Vertical Antenna with elevated radials. Solar Power.QSB Heard on Texel Isl. 73 es gl 
GM0IFM  Colin  11082024  1022  18  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  IO89LB  Click here to get position on Google Map  948  Antenna Vertical 
GM0IFM  Colin  09082024  1630 UTC  18  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  IO89LB  Click here to get position on Google Map  948  RST with QSB 449/559 Antenna Vertical 
F6EII  Raphaël  09/08/24  10:58  1  10  549  JO10LM  Click here to get position on Google Map  996  Hi, qsb but still audible. Here is a Yaesu ft891, an antenna adapted to a hexabeam at 11m from the ground in town. Best 73 all team. Raphi  
G4LJU  Colin  08/08/2024  1700  1  10  549  IO91VF  Click here to get position on Google Map  1084  Steady signal. My rig IC706 Mk2. Ant inverted vee trap dipole apex at about 8 meters. 
OZ1IAG  Click here to get a full report list  Henrik  06-08-2024  19:54  1  10  599   JO46QK  Click here to get position on Google Map  235  IC7300 Ant LW up 10 meters 
PA3EWG  Henry  6-8-2024  18:41  1  10  549  JO21RK  Click here to get position on Google Map  812  Ant: ZS6BKW RIG: ICOM IC-7300 
M0KKB  Stephen King  6/8/24  0636  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO01MG  Click here to get position on Google Map  1019  Copied the beacon on an Elecraft K2 using a 40m EFHW antenna at a height of 5m. Very consistent signal strength here with no QSB. 73! Stephen 
SQ1KUK  Karol   05.08.2024  09:05  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  549-599  JO84CE  Click here to get position on Google Map  409   
SM3LXI  Karl-Erik Johansson  2024-08-04  14:55  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  519  JP73IF  Click here to get position on Google Map  661   
OH7XR  reijo  3.8-2024  08:48  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  KP53AE  Click here to get position on Google Map  1142  ic7300 ant multiband dipole up 10meters 
DL1GKC  Christian  03.08.2024  0645  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN49BE  Click here to get position on Google Map  960  Some QSB EFHW (horizontal), FT-2000 
OE8PRK  Raimund  01.08.2024  18:43  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  Rig.ICOM-736, Ant.FD4 Qsb  
SA2SAA  Alex  28-07-2024  1348  1  10  579  KP05HQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  1012   
OK1JRU  Karel  28.7.,2024  15.55  8  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO70MS  Click here to get position on Google Map  745  rig. ALINCO DX- SR8 ant : LW42m up 8m 
DL1DT  Ole  28.07.2024  05:33  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  519  JO51GK  Click here to get position on Google Map  674  QSB Ant. endfed 41m up 11m 
I1SOP  PIETRO  25 luglio 2024  09.35  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN44LM  Click here to get position on Google Map  1451  trap dipole for 160 80 40 30 meter kalemen up 10 metri rtx elecraft k3s 
DK7RC  Wast  25.07.2024  06.20  6  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN69II  Click here to get position on Google Map  888  qsb 
EI6IF  Denis  25/07/2024  01:00  1  1.9  569  IO63  4311  Mono band EFHW antenna for 160m 15m agl 
SM5SSZ  Göran  2024-07-24  19:45  1  1.9  589  JO89GJ  Click here to get position on Google Map  312   
SM6ETH  Per  240722  17.40-17.50  1  1.9  549  JO58VG  Click here to get position on Google Map  121  QTH Kockhed på Orust. Rig Yeasu FT 991A Antenn kort dipol, 15 m med spolar och 3 m tails på var sida Matad med atu och stege. 73 SM6ETH//Per 
IZ1TRK  Roberto  July 22nd 24  12.30  1  10  339  JN44MN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1445  Rx qrp labs qcx mini  
F8CRM  Chris  22/07/2024  04:55  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN25BD  Click here to get position on Google Map  1483  RIG: Yaesu FT 897 D ant. GP 1/4 up 13m. Rst 529 - 579 QSB  
OK1JRU  Karel  Roubal  12.00 - 12.30  8  Click here to get a full report list  10  229 -  JO70MS  Click here to get position on Google Map  745  rigs: ALINCO, ANT LW 42m, up 8m 
OK1LST   Libor  21.7.2024  5:00  1  10  588  JN78DQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  967   
F5NZY  Steph  20/07/2024  14:00  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  319  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  IC-7610, OCF dipole. Band not in good shape, nevertheless I can copy easily the beacon. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
SM0FKI  Ulf  2024-07-19  21:45  2  Click here to get a full report list  1.9  599  JO89UG  Click here to get position on Google Map  354  Rig 160m L-antenna and SDR radio 
F5NZY  Steph  19/07/2024  19:43  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  Hermes Lite 2. OCF dipole. Very stable... 73 
F5NZY  Steph  19/07/2024  18:23  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  Hermes Lite 2. OCF dipole. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
SM6LKM  Click here to get a full report list  Johan  2024-07-19  0510  1  1.9  569  JO67MR  Click here to get position on Google Map  43  Message received on 1994.810 kHz: _ _ _ VVV BEACON DE SA6RR SA6RR SA6RR = PSE RPRT TO WWW.RADIORUD.SE = 
LA1T  Tønsberggruppen av NRRL  10. juli 2024  22.00  1  1.9  559  JO59FG  Click here to get position on Google Map  256   
F5NFB  Joël  18/07/2024  21:10  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  IN93HP  Click here to get position on Google Map  1817  Conditions: Receiver: SDR Perseus Antenna: EFRW 
LY5G  Vitas  2024-07-17  06:10  1  10  599  KO05RV  Click here to get position on Google Map  549  Nice signal on my 40m 4-square antenna pointed to NW. 73! 
PA2PWM  Paul  16-07-2024  20:37  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JO22MB  Click here to get position on Google Map  772  QTH Nieuwegein, rig IC7300, ant inverted L (20 mtrs long). Some QSB variation 559-599 
RA3LDP  Aleksandr   2024/07/15  16:47:00  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  K065IB  Click here to get position on Google Map  5229  TRX FT 450D ANT DELTA LOOP 
F5NZY  Steph  15/07/2024  04:10  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  Excellent conditions, this morning. IC-7610, OCF dipole. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
EI5JS  John  12.07.24  22:45  1  10  559  IO630U  Click here to get position on Google Map  1442  Ant inv.V dipole at 35ft, (FTdx3000, rx preamp on). Good stable signal from SA6RR.  
G0SKW  Karl  11/07/2024  1632  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  IO92JW  Click here to get position on Google Map  1017  Nice signal into Nottingham,using an end fed at 9m 
OK1LV  Ladislav  10.07.2024  1903  6  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN69QS  Click here to get position on Google Map  843   
DL3YZ  Mike  06-07-24  21:43  1  10  519  JN48QP  Click here to get position on Google Map  995   
OE8PRK  Raimund  03.07.2024  18:02  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  Rig.ICOM-736, Ant.FD4,Qsb 
SK0QO  Ulf/SM0DWK  3 juli  1618  1  10  599  JO99CC  Click here to get position on Google Map  368  QSB: RS 57/59 2 el beam up 18m 
M0KVI/P  Owen  2/7/2024  2045  1  10  57  JO01AE  Click here to get position on Google Map  1075  Some QSB but very readable. Received while surveying abandoned buildings for bats. Heavilt compromised antenna was 1/4 GP for 20m no radials. Radio was SW3B 73! 
DL1HBT  Tom  01.07.2024  1540  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO43WL  Click here to get position on Google Map  470   
HA7RJA  Rob Jakobs  30-Jun-2024  1540  1  10  539  JN97TD  Click here to get position on Google Map  1222  Sometimes disappearing in noise due to QSB, but generally good reception in central Hungary! My rig IC-7610 ant 1/4 wave vertical. 
F5NZY  Steph  29/06/2024  04:40  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  QSB but loud. IC-7610, OCF dipole. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
LA3CO  Ard  2024.06.28  18:14  1  10  539  JO59CD  Click here to get position on Google Map  253  Yaesu FT-1000. Antenna: EFHW. 
SA7CUT  Sebastian Cato  2024-06-28  16:16  1  10  569  JO65SO  Click here to get position on Google Map  198  QSB 
IZ2EWQ  Giuseppe  23/06/2024  05.05  1  10  579  JN45RI  Click here to get position on Google Map  1353  Rig = TS2000, Rotary dipole; Good signal with QSB; QTH nr Milano. 
OE3IAK  Andi  20240623  04:55  1  10  459  JN88GB  Click here to get position on Google Map  1061  qsb hrd text "vvv qrpp beacon de sa6rr = qth jo67ki = pse rprt to" 
DK5JM  alex  22.6.2024  21:57  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JO43VX  Click here to get position on Google Map  421   
SQ5J  Piotr  19.06.2024  21:10  1  10  589  KO02KF  Click here to get position on Google Map  765  RIG: FT2k Ant: 2el 15m u QTH: Nr Warsaw 
DF3EK  Karl  18.06.2024  21:17  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JO31HP  Click here to get position on Google Map  750  Ufb signal at 2 element Quad 17m high. 
DL9SW  Severin  16.6.2024  20:30  1  10  459  JN58RD  Click here to get position on Google Map  1027  LW 20m @7m high, Kenwood TS-450S QTH: Munich, Germany 
F5NZY  Steph  16/06/2024  19:45  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  IC-7610, OCF dipole. A bit of QSB. 73 de Steph F5NZY.  
OM8HG  Stan  16.06.2024  18:45  1  10  459  KN08GW  Click here to get position on Google Map  1064  Tnx for qrpp beacon CW sigs. It Is nice activity, 73! 
ON5SE  Click here to get a full report list  Francky  16/06/2024  06:37  1  10  539  JN29UQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  973  Hello Nice sigs, but deep qsb Francky 
MM0TDS  david  15/06/2024  15:53  1  10  439  IO87WK  Click here to get position on Google Map  896  icom7610 2 ele on hex beam at 8m ellon NE Scotland 
PF7DKW  Martin van den Elzen  14-6-2024  1222  1  10  559  JO21MN  Click here to get position on Google Map  817  Very strong sig 
F5NZY  Steph  13 June 2024  16h30  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  IC-7610, OCF dipole. Great condx today. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
GM4JQT/P  Ian  13 June 2024  1410  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  IO66VH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1162  Listening with old Heathkit HW-9 with 40m end fed at 10m centre. 73, Ian, G4JQT (QTH Isle of Mull on holiday!) 
SM2BLY  Mike  2024-06-13  0626  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  KP15CO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1040   
DH3MS  Stefan  12.06.2024  16:47  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN58LN  Click here to get position on Google Map  985   
SM2BLY  Mike  2024-06-12  0655  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  KP15  4493   
2E0IHV  Shayne  11/06/2024  13:00  1  10  539  IO91FM  Click here to get position on Google Map  1131  good readable but with slow deep qsb fading to 000 and back up. takes several cycles to get full message at this time 
DL4QB  Andre  5.6. 2024  19:15  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JO31QS  Click here to get position on Google Map  713  FB Signal today! 
SM3LVB  Kent  240605  0601  1  10  519  JP73HD  Click here to get position on Google Map  651  @SK3EX RIG:Icom 7300 ANT: Longwire / 42m up 10m QTH: Östersund 
DO6LP  Philipp  04.06.2024  12:35  1  10  579  JO42XI  Click here to get position on Google Map  585 73 DO6LP 
G0LLP  Laurie  3/06/24  0210  1  10  439  IO92FN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1059  8M 27ft temporary receiving wire up for NRD Rx JRC-535 Lowe ATU Tokyo Hi-Power HC200 Flux 188 Kp0 North Warwickshire Borough Council The enemy of Licenced Radio Amateurs 
DL1DT  Ole  03.06.2024  05:44  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO51GK  Click here to get position on Google Map  674  IC7300 es ant 41m endfed abt 11m up.  
OK1DKO  Karel  3.6.2024  20.54  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO60WP  Click here to get position on Google Map  748  ant Windom 40m on TS850S stabil and very fina sigs  
SM7SMS  Mark  2024-06-02  06.40  1  10  579  JO77NM  Click here to get position on Google Map  136  Sunsdr dx2, 3 el at 21m  
OE8PRK  Raimund  01.06.2024  17:36  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  Rig.Icom-736, Ant.FD 4, Qsb  
F4FAP  Eric  June 01 2024  0745  40  Click here to get a full report list  10  519  IN98ED  Click here to get position on Google Map  1407  Weak but clear. FT817 + short whip on a balcony. 73 from Rennes. 
IU8QTX  Salvatore  31/05/2024  04:16  1  10  599  JN71GF  Click here to get position on Google Map  1795  signail very strong in south italy qth Telese Terme 
I4IKW  Marco  30/05/2024  0429  1  10  519  JN54SF  Click here to get position on Google Map  1461  TRX Icom IC756 Freq 10.131 Mhz ANT Fullsize home made GP QTH into Appennine mountains @400 mt asl QSB to 539 max 73 Marco 
F5PKR  Olivier  30/05/2024  03H07  1  10  559  JN25KH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1446  559 with IC-705, zepp antenna abt 20 meters long and 6 meters high from the ground. No QSB, QRN cause rain, solid copy regular. 73 to all the Team. 
DL3KAL  Peter  29.05.2024  10:22  1  10  569  JO30SU  Click here to get position on Google Map  800  QTH nuembrecht 30km east of cologne rig Xiegu G90 ant have wave vertical 
G3MCK  GERALD  27 MAY 2024  2050  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  IO92PQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  1006  QTH near Leicester Indoor dipole and CORSAIR 
HA6RR  Pawel  27/05/2024  21:56  1  10  579  IO91UI  Click here to get position on Google Map  1079  30M end fed antenna and Yeasu FT-1000D 
PA3FCB  Erwin  25-05-2024  17:10  1  10  559  JO21BG  Click here to get position on Google Map  880  My antenna is a Fritzel FD-4, kind of windom or OCF antenna which is 43 meters in length. Antenna height is 10 meters above ground level.  
SQ3UAA  Mateusz  25.052024  0.11  1  10  559  JO82KL  Click here to get position on Google Map  598  Ft 920 . fan dipol 10 mtr up 
YO2IS  szigy  23.05.204  20.00  1  10  549  KN05PS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1409  FT-991A, 41M SLOPING WIRE,IN DOWNTOWN 
PD1WLM  Wim  24-05-24  9.15  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO21GO  Click here to get position on Google Map  833  Rig:Yaesu ft-897 ant:on this moment with endfed 22 meters long,sloper configuration 
PD1WLM  Wim  23-05-2024  11.01  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  56  JO21GO  Click here to get position on Google Map  833  Yeasu FT897 Off center dipole Carolina ant. 
PA3CWQ  Harry  23-05-2024  8.45  1  10  55  JO21FM  Click here to get position on Google Map  844  Icom IC-7300 Dipol inv V 
PA9O  Filip  23/05/2024  06:40  1  10  569  JO11QI  Click here to get position on Google Map  906  Solid copy Rx; - ant.vertical antenna on ground level - rig, QMX 73, Filip 
DL3HR  Nils  22.05.2024  2000  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN49EX  Click here to get position on Google Map  870  slow motion qsb today 559>519>559. Ruesselsheim, IC-7610, LW 40m abt 10m high. 
GJ0KYZ  Paul  22 May 2024  20:54  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  IN89WF  Click here to get position on Google Map  1339  Weak but readable. Icom 785 and dipole at 6m. 
F5NZY  Steph  22 May 2024   18h10  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  QSB but solid QRK. IC-7100, OCF dipole. 73 de Steph F5NZY.  
DF7FG  Josef  22.05.2024  11:20  1  10  539  JO32KF  Click here to get position on Google Map  686  I received the beacon with WEBSDR from the University of Twente in Enschede, JO32KF, Netherlands. My own QTH is JN58KJ 
G3SQU  Chris Clarke  20/05/2024  12:15  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  IO95EA  Click here to get position on Google Map  931  10M Fishing Pole Vertical Antenna into IC-746 
SP5TZC  JANUSZ  May 19th 2024  08.22  1  10  559  KO02NF  Click here to get position on Google Map  776  Same QSB 
YO3GEK  Matei  2024-05-18  22:47  1  10  549  KN34RA  Click here to get position on Google Map  1794  IC7300, AV640 vertical 
IU0JFZ  Claudio  15/05/2024  23:26  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN61HT  Click here to get position on Google Map  1726  Yaesu FTDX10, Inv V Dipole 
F5NZY  Steph  May 15 2024  19h05  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  IC-7610, OCF dipole. Deep QSB. 73 de Steph F5NZY.  
IW3ILM  Max  13-05-2024  20:53  6  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JN55LK  Click here to get position on Google Map  1330  Beacon QRPp JO67KI 
EA2BD  Ignacio   6.05.2024  21:55  1  10  559  IN92ET  Click here to get position on Google Map  1909  Rig IC-7300 Ant Dipole QTH Pamplona Copied all the text, stable signal 
OK1DRX  JIRI  5.5.2024  10.55  10  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN79DW  Click here to get position on Google Map  829  VERY GOOD COPY WITH DEEP AND QUICK QSB 10130.94 kHz tcvr FT710 ANT DIPOLE 2X20 8M UP 
OK1DRX  JIRI  5.5.2024  10.55  10  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN79DW  Click here to get position on Google Map  829  VERY GOOD COPY WITH DEEP AND QUICK QSB 10130.94 kHz 
ON4WIY  WIM  05/05/2024  09.12  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO21KA  Click here to get position on Google Map  873  Antenna home made vertical . Radio FT-2000 yaesu. 
PA5KM  Coen   05-05-2024  07:04  1  10  539  JO11WM  Click here to get position on Google Map  869  varying between 539 and 559 here on vy low G5RV jr antenna 
HA3IS  Jan  04.05.2024  21:11  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  JN86VT  Click here to get position on Google Map  1217  Rig IC746 Ant LW 
DL3NSM  Frank  2024/05/04  1317  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO64MH  Click here to get position on Google Map  338  Elecraft K3, 7,2 m Vertical 10 m high, QTH Stralsund 
SP/DL2GAN  Clemens  02.05.2024  10:30  1  10  559  KO01LW  Click here to get position on Google Map  794  Same report as SP5GAN. Heard the QRPP beacon SA6RR with my tiny TECSUN World Receiver PL660 with built-in rod antenna. Learn more about me at 
SP5GAN  Clemens  02.05.2024  10:30  1  10  559  KO01LW  Click here to get position on Google Map  794  Heard the QRPP beacon SA6RR with my tiny TECSUN World Receiver PL660 with built-in rod antenna. Some qsb, but readibility always good! 
DL2CA  Carsten  2024/5/1  19.18  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO31VF  Click here to get position on Google Map  755   
OE8PRK  Raimund  01.05.2024  18:53  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  Rig: Icom 736, Ant FD-4, qsb  
F6IRO  GABRIEL  1/05/2024  06H05  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  499  JN18DT  Click here to get position on Google Map  1180  QSB  
PA0RBA  Rienus  30-04-2024  13:57  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO22RB  Click here to get position on Google Map  755  My antenna: magloop (Midi-loop Circo Mazzoni) Rig: IC-7610 
G0UJK  Colin  29/4/2024  15.36  6  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO01CJ  Click here to get position on Google Map  1050  hear clearly on my new dipole 
F8CRM  Chris  29/04/2024  00:42  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN25BD  Click here to get position on Google Map  1483  Very strong signal this night. Rig: Yaesu FT897D ant GP  
OK2PWB  Vasek  28 Aug 2024  7:30  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569 QSB  JN89HA  Click here to get position on Google Map  958  Rig: Xiegu X5105 Ant: LW 20m, abt 6m up 
OK1TN  Slavek  26.04.2024  08:22  1  10  579  JO70NJ  Click here to get position on Google Map  787  Vy strong today SUNSDR2DX rotary dipol  
IU3QGA   Andy  2024/04/26  05:15  1  10  519   JN65CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1311  Clear signal,ant folded dipole hm with FT450d 
YO2LEA  NELU  25.04.2024  22:05  1  10  579  KN06WK  Click here to get position on Google Map  1358  Nice signal. Rig: FT1000 MP MK V Antenna Delta Loop for 80m 
PB2JJ  Jasper  24042024  2020  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  339  JO31BI  Click here to get position on Google Map  796  Ant endfed 20m long 
UT3WX  Andy  24.04.2024.  05:41  1  10  599  KN19XV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1102  Yaesu 857d, Inv.V, up 8 m only 
EI7LC  Eamonn Gannon  2024-04-23  2220  1  10  519  IO53OK  Click here to get position on Google Map  1427  RIG: FTDX10 ANT: W3DZZ, UP 11M, INV V QTH: COUNTY GALWAY, IRELAND 
DL3HR  Nils  23.04.2024  19:49  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN49EX  Click here to get position on Google Map  870  ICOM 7610, LW 40m, 10m high Ruesselsheim am Main little QSB 
OH4MFA  Jukka Tarvainen  23.4.2024  07:00  1  10  529  KP32NG  Click here to get position on Google Map  963  FTDX101D with beverage antenna 
PA3DSJ  huib barendrecht  23-04-2024  06:43  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JO21EV  Click here to get position on Google Map  815  some qrm from data signal tnx fer beacon transmission rig ts 570 d ant FD3 QTH Vlaardingen 73 de Huib 
F6IRO  GABRIEL  20 AVRIL 2024  08.05  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  459  JN18DT  Click here to get position on Google Map  1180  qsb on fequency 
4U1A  UN Club  20 April 2024  07:07  1  10  569  JN88EF  Click here to get position on Google Map  1040  Nice signal on 10 MHz. Very stable and cristal clear. We used INVERTED-VEE antenna and TS-890S HF Transceiver. 
SP9Z  Jack  2024-04-19  07:11  1  10  559  JO90NF  Click here to get position on Google Map  891   
TF3AO  Seli  18/04/2024  21:27  1  10  559  HP94BC  Click here to get position on Google Map  2000  Kopavogur near Reykjavik  
IU4OEX  Claudio  18/04/2024  08:25  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  JN54IH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1456  TNX 73  
F5MNO  Frédéric   17/04/2024  21h37  1  10  599  JO10ML  Click here to get position on Google Map  996  Dôme qsb 
F5IYC  CHRIS  17/4/2024  20/37  1  10  579  JO10NR  Click here to get position on Google Map  970  GOOD RECEPTION 
ON4APU  Noel Pottier  2024-04-17  18:27  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JO11ME  Click here to get position on Google Map  934  peaking 589. Lowest was 539 
DL4AO  Heinz  17.04.2024  15:20  1  10  559  JO42NX  Click here to get position on Google Map  541  HI, just receive this beacon for the first time. Running TS590S and my antenne ist just a 13,4m long wire from the balcony in my neighbors garden. Start in high of 8m with 1:9 Unun and the end is only 3m over ground. 73 from DL4AO near Bremen 
PA3HFN  Berto  15-04-2024  11:30  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO21OX  Click here to get position on Google Map  773  Nice signal here on en HWEF at day-time. 
PA3KL  KEES  14-04-2024  20:27  1  10  539  JO32CA  Click here to get position on Google Map  730   
F4HGA  GHISLAIN  13/04/2024  22h37  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JNO7DX  Click here to get position on Google Map  3404   
GJ0KYZ  Paul  10 April 2024  18:17  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  IN89WF  Click here to get position on Google Map  1339  Nice signal into Jersey. 73 de GJ0KYZ. 
IN3CEL  Claudio  09/04/2024  21:36  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN55KV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1280  HOME MADE RTX wid ENDFED ant 
PA3AJO  Koos  april 9 2024  07.40  1  10  599  JO22OH  Click here to get position on Google Map  743   
F6HIA  Domi  07/04/2024  2234  1  10  549  JN23IX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1590  TS 570D + ANT VERTICAL QTH ROCHEFORT DU GARD - DPT 30 10 KMS NR AVIGNON CITY 
G0OBK  Click here to get a full report list  Kenneth Mervyn Warnes  04-07-2024  19-12  1  10  519  IO93IB  Click here to get position on Google Map  1014  rcvd on hsdr 50hz filter antenna 86ft via 9 to 1 unun and auto atu at base  
DL4YEL  Robert  2024/04/07  08:06  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO31QO  Click here to get position on Google Map  730  End Fed Antenna 10 mtr. high in NNW direction 
OK1JAX  Pavel  07.04.2024  9:21  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO60WQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  743  Stable 539 on S-meter IC-7700, ant. dipole  
F8CRM  Chris  06/04/2024  6:25  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN25BD  Click here to get position on Google Map  1483  RIG: Yaesu FT 897D ant. GP.  
SM0OGQ  Click here to get a full report list  Ingvar  2024-04-05  1412  1  10  579  JO89WI  Click here to get position on Google Map  367  IC-706 MK-2G, EFW 27M long with 9:1 balun. 73  
OK1JAX  Pavel  04//04/2024  16:10  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JO60WQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  743  Stable 529 on S-meter IC-7700, ant. dipole 
DL4MCA  Ray  04.04.24  14:10  16  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN58TC  Click here to get position on Google Map  1031  IC 7300 ant vertical 10m 
PA0KBN  Klaas  4-4-2024  11:44  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JO23VG  Click here to get position on Google Map  636   
F5ROX  Didier  04/04/2024  07:34  8  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN07QO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1330  Very good copy from Vineuil city 
RC7KJ  valeriy  04/04  2240  1  10  599  KN85FI  Click here to get position on Google Map  2092  rig: ft-991a ant: t2fd qth: kerch 
OK1JAX  Pavel  2/4/24  11:05  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO60WQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  743  Stabil signal. RX IC-7700. Ant wirw dipol 17m TOP 
ON8VA  Chris  02/04/2024  09:45  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO21MA  Click here to get position on Google Map  867  nice rst on a ENDFED antenne in INV L rig Icom 7800 
IK2MXM  GIGI  30-03-2024  23:14  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JN45KS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1315  CLEAR SIG ANT. INV VEE DIPOLE FT991 QTH VARESE NORTH ITALY GOODLUCK 
OE8FBF  Harald  29.03.2024  19:45  21  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN76BQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  1188  Always nice to hear this little guy :-) 73 ICOM 7300 Inverted V Dipole monoband 
W1ZY/M  Bill  03/28/24  0029  1  10  539  FN41FJ  Click here to get position on Google Map  5939  Heard from south coast of rhode island at sunset on march 28, 2024 from car with hustler mobile whip.  
G4YVM  David  27.3.2024  1650  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  IO91CC  Click here to get position on Google Map  1174  steady sigs 
G3SQU  Chris Clarke  27/03/2024  15:05  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  IO95EA  Click here to get position on Google Map  931  Peaking S4 
OH5LP   Seppo   27.3.2024  0847  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  KP32NH  Click here to get position on Google Map  965   
IV3GKY  Fabrizio  26.03.2024  19:44  1  10  559  JN65MS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1287  vertical antenna multiband , tx Kenwood TS850S 
LA6PH  John  23/3/24  10:20  1  10  579  JO59FC  Click here to get position on Google Map  241  IC7600/Ant 2x7m vert dipole on spiderpole. Open feeder and PA0LL tuner. 
LZ1RA  Angel  20.03.2024  19:30  1  10  589  KN12PQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  1786  Home made TRC, ant. 15 m. long wire Sofia Bulgaria 
F5DE  Bernard  21/3/2024  21/00  10  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN05DP  Click here to get position on Google Map  1559  FB signal tonight ! Rx : TS590SG, Antenna : GP. QTH : near the city of Angoulême, South-West part of France. 73 de Bernard, F5DE. 
IZ8IAW  GIUSEPPE  21/03/2024  20:33  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  339  JN71HN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1759  ANT. LONG WIRE 54M 
DL6MIG  Wil  21.03.2024  12;53  1  10  549  JO52VC  Click here to get position on Google Map  587  super Signal rig: Flexradio 6500 ANT: 3 EL Yagi 10m over Ground 
DL3ZID  eberhard  20.03.24  21:10  3  Click here to get a full report list  0.5  549  JO53PO  Click here to get position on Google Map  428  good audible KIWI-SDR MiniWhip 
DK3AX  Gerd  Mar-19-2024  1715  30  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  KN59DV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1409  Kenwood TS-990 - Trap Dipole 
F5NZY  Steph  19 March 2024  16h15  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  IC-7100, OCF dipole. 73 de Steph F5NZY.  
DL9FC  Peter  19.03.2024  16.10  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO53AQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  444   
PC7Z  Leo  18/03/2024  17:00  1  10  579  JO22FE  Click here to get position on Google Map  786  QTH: Oegstgeest Ant. EFHW monoband 
DA6RAM  Al  17 March 2024  06:20  1  10  599  JN69BQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  853  Strong signal 
DK6TR/P   Click here to get a full report list  Tom  16.03.2024  19:55  1  10  539  JN57OT  Click here to get position on Google Map  1066   
F5CW  dany  16/03/2024  1535  1  10  559  JN07RA  Click here to get position on Google Map  1382  QSB 53/55 Nice signal  
EI9LB  Jason  15/03/2024  1721  1  10  439  IO54WP  Click here to get position on Google Map  1333  FB on this QRP beacon rx on endfed at 7M running N-S 
IU4OEX  Claudio  15/03/24  10.30  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  JN54IH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1456  5 minute clear after fadig 
IK2VTJ  Piero  14/3/2024  07:05  1  10  539  JN55CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1322  FB on 10MHz band (30 m) 
F5MDY  Nico  13/3/2024  23:11  1  10  335  JN03SL  Click here to get position on Google Map  1732  73 ic7300 Fd3 Toulouse  
ON7VM  Joris Vermost  13/03/2024  20:45  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO21EC  Click here to get position on Google Map  885  Rig: FTDX101D Antenna: Inv L 8m high with remote tuner at the base. 
OK1OX  Miroslav Sedlák  13.03  1704  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO70JF  Click here to get position on Google Map  801  FT1000MP, rotary dipole 
DL6RG  Wulf  13.03.2024  15:56  1  10  579  JO61FC  Click here to get position on Google Map  694  rig TS870 ; ant R8 cushcraft 
G0CZE  Drew  13/03/24  06.40  1  10  449  JO01AW  Click here to get position on Google Map  1018  Ant is end fed wire - 36m long at 10m high 
SP6BVR  Stan  20240312  06:22  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO80HK  Click here to get position on Google Map  806   
IK2RJK  Giorgio  10/03/2024  18:35  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JN45TM  Click here to get position on Google Map  1333  Yaesu FTdx300D - Tuned OCFD home for 80 to 10m 
DL2CA  Carsten  2024/3/10  6.49  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO31VF  Click here to get position on Google Map  755  (tr)uSDX, dipole  
DL3VB  Volker  09.03.2024  12:43:32  1  10  549  JO31LB  Click here to get position on Google Map  797  Icom IC-705 & Tarheel Mobile Antenna 
HB9GVO  Damiano  07.03.2024  20:08  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN46LI  Click here to get position on Google Map  1250  Good signal! best 73! Damiano HB9GVO 
DL3HR  Nils  07.03.2024  17:47  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN49EX  Click here to get position on Google Map  870  IC 7610; LW 
OH8NJ  Jaakko  07.03.2024  09:12  1  10  599  KP25RA  Click here to get position on Google Map  1083   
F4JAM  Olivier  2024 03 06  17:00  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JN26LT  Click here to get position on Google Map  1287  5m high GP Vertical fishing pole :) 
HB9BSU  Richard  5.3.2024  1245  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  419 qsb  JN47FF  Click here to get position on Google Map  1163  FT991, Longwire antenna 15m, 
M0HNK  Richard  05/03/24  08:55  17  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  IO81QV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1163  Received with RSPduo and attic dipole. Some qsb but signal up to around 15dB above local noise. 
ON7IO  Benoit  04-mar-2024  09:15  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JO20GP  Click here to get position on Google Map  921  Dipole inverted V, 9m AGL 
SM5JXA  Christer  240304  01:00  1  1.9  579  JO89KK  Click here to get position on Google Map  329  TX/RX Random wire 100 meters, 1:9 balun 
IK8FUN  FRANCESCO  03/03/2024  20:15  1  10  559  JN70CT  Click here to get position on Google Map  1840  yaesu ft 920 Ant long wire 32 m long little qsb 
DL1LIP  Bodo  2024-03-02  11:30  1  10  569  JO30QI  Click here to get position on Google Map  856  ANT Doublet, RIG Icom IC-740, QTH Ochtendung, significant QSB 
EB1AE  EMILIANO  01/03/2024  21:50  1  10  555  IN73DM  Click here to get position on Google Map  2009  QRP BEACON SA6RR, QTH LOCATOR JO67KI. IN 30 METERS BAND. FRECUENCY 10.131 MY TX-RX ICOM IC 7300 ANTENNA HIGAYN AV 620 VERTICAL. DISTANCE 2010.3 KMOS QSL PSE. 73 
OE8PRK  Raimund  01.03.2024  14:25  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  459  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  Rig: ICOM-736, FD-4, qsb 
EA1NK  Shawn  29022024  1923  1  10  579  IN52RV  Click here to get position on Google Map  2196  3El.Yagi@12m high. RX:Kenwood TS480 
DL5BAQ  heinz  29022024  18 45  1  1.9  469  JO41LU  Click here to get position on Google Map  660  JRC NRD 525 lazy delta loop length 90m  
GM4EVS  Dave  29/2/2024  1304  6  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  IO86GK  Click here to get position on Google Map  994  QTH: Perth, Scotland radio: K3 antenna: 1/4wl GP, base@3m AGL, 2 elev radials QSB to RST 529  
PA0KBN  Klaas  28-2-2024  12.20  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JO23VG  Click here to get position on Google Map  636   
SM5CBN  Click here to get a full report list  Lennart Hillar  2024-02-28  10:35  1  10  4-6  JO78NH  Click here to get position on Google Map  171  QSB 
DM2GL  Gert  28.02.2024  08.41.  10  Click here to get a full report list  10  55  JO60LR  Click here to get position on Google Map  736  Dipol 
EI4KU  stefan  28-02-2024  0047  3  Click here to get a full report list  1.9  599  IO52OW  Click here to get position on Google Map  1453  Qsb down to s6 vertical quad yaesu ft747 
IK2GRA  Click here to get a full report list  Annibale  28-02-2024  00:05  1  1.9  339  JN54NX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1380  339 + QSB - Rig: TS930s, ant vertical HY-GAIN AV-640 - QTH: nr Mantova 
DL1BGH  Guenter  27.02.2024  13:44  1  10  559  JO32PQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  628  QTH: Meppen Rig: IC 7610 Ant: 30m Delta-Loop, vertical  
IT9JZB  Click here to get a full report list  ENRICO  27/02/2024  11:16  1  10  458  JO44NE  Click here to get position on Google Map  422  Web sdr DD9LH Heide (Holstein) Germany 
IK2GRA  Click here to get a full report list  Annibale  27/02/2024  09:30  1  10  449  JN54NX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1380  Rig: TS930s, ant vertical HY-GAIN AV-640 QTH: nr Mantova 
IT9JZB  Click here to get a full report list  ENRICO  27/02/2024  06:17  1  1.9  478  JP32NT  Click here to get position on Google Map  685  Websdr in Malmefjiorden Norway 
IK1ZYO  Steve  26/02/2024  18.41  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN45AN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1351  Solid rst 
R1CCE  ALEKSANDR AVLASENLO  25/02/2024  05:50  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  KP50FB  Click here to get position on Google Map  1055   
DJ1OJ  Click here to get a full report list  Heijo  25.02.2024  03:25  1  1.9  559  JN58SE  Click here to get position on Google Map  1022  rig. IC-7300 ant: 23m wire 27m above ground 
HB9BRW  Hans-Peter  24.02.2024  1715  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JN47JF  Click here to get position on Google Map  1158  FT-991 Ant: mag loop 100cm 
PH9E  Erik  24-2-2024  10.14  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  439  JO33GE  Click here to get position on Google Map  611  QSB - Ant: dipole up 5m 
OK6AB  Radek  24.02.2024  04:33  1  1.9  559  JN89AI  Click here to get position on Google Map  913  found at CQ WW 160 SSB 
OK2AK  Aleš  24.2.2024  1:40  1  1.9  579  JN89HL  Click here to get position on Google Map  909   
LZ2GS  George  23.02.2024  20.01  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  KN33GM  Click here to get position on Google Map  1808  verry old transiver FT 757 GX II ant dipole  
9A9SX  Boris  23.02.2024  19.48  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JN75XS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1304  Very good signal this evening 
F6HRJ  Philippe  2024:02:23  19:43  1  10  569  IN88GT  Click here to get position on Google Map  1438  Antenne : Levy 
DL1HBT  Tom  23.02.2024  16:16  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO43WL  Click here to get position on Google Map  470  Receiver: Yaesu FTDX-101D and dipole 
EI4KU  Stefan  23feb2024  0154  3  Click here to get a full report list  1.9  579  IO52OW  Click here to get position on Google Map  1453  559 to 579 qsb on rx mag loop (ne-sw), 429 to 559 qsb on vertical tx antenna  
IZ8IAW  GIUSEPPE  22/02/2024  20:46  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  339  JN71HN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1759  KENWOOD TS 2000X ANT LON WIRE 54M QTH CAMPOBASSO ITALY 
DL6NAF  Werner  21.02.2024  1835  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN59NK  Click here to get position on Google Map  887  20m end fed sigs faded out around 1850 utc 
DL2IAN  Tom  21.02.2024  19:06  1  10  529  JN39UB  Click here to get position on Google Map  982  ufb ... nice beacon ... heard for the first time !!! here YAESU FT-DX10 2x5m Dipole 5m up 
IK6QRE  Sergio  20240221  18:31  1  10  529  JN63RH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1560  Delta loop mono 
DK9FQ  Lothar  21.02.2024  15:58  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN49IR  Click here to get position on Google Map  890  FT710 10m-endfed 
LZ2GS  Georghe  19.02.2024  19.51  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  KN33GM  Click here to get position on Google Map  1808   
HB9DGK  Dolores  19.02.2024  18:40  1  10  579  JN46RR  Click here to get position on Google Map  1203   
IU7BSH  marco  19/02/2024  17,42  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  235  JN71QQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  1749  rig venus sw3-b qrp, antenna rybakov 10 mt, qth San Severo (FG), Puglia , Italy 
IU7BSH  marco  19/02/2024  14,55  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  235  JN71QQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  1749  rig venus sw3-b qrp, antenna rybakov 10 mt, qth San Severo (FG), Puglia , Italy 
SQ3KAN   Piotr  19.02.2024  1202  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO83MI  Click here to get position on Google Map  516  FT450D, ant. End fed 
G7UUT  Alex  18/02/2024  1815  1  10  439  JO02BD  Click here to get position on Google Map  999  Quite a lot of QSB today 
DJ5ZU  Herbert  18.02.2024  12:20  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO40EU  Click here to get position on Google Map  778  Very strong Signal today  
ON4LEN  Yves  17 feb 2024  1754  1  10  328  JO10OS  Click here to get position on Google Map  963  TS 450S antenna endfed 
SP9KD  Wojtek  16.02.2024  18:55  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO90WC  Click here to get position on Google Map  926   
ON7IO  Benoit  16-feb-2024  18:22  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO20GP  Click here to get position on Google Map  921  Dipole inverted V for 3.5 MHz, 9m AGL, works fine on 30m because 10 MHz is the third harmonic. 
DL3EL  Thomas  16.02.2024  17:40  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO40HD  Click here to get position on Google Map  847   
IZ0CDM  Rob  15/02/2024  1907  1  10  569  JN63EC  Click here to get position on Google Map  1583  RX: Airspy Dscovery+ HF + SDRSharp v. ANT: PA0RDT original Miniwhip (6 meters above building roof top) RMKS: TX offset -35 Hz. Slow and deep QSB. 
OK2GG  Jaroslav  14 02 2024  18:30  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN89TA  Click here to get position on Google Map  978  TCVR IC-7100 antenna dipole 
PA3EQN  Peter Rouwen  14-02-2024  14:40  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO32CC  Click here to get position on Google Map  722  Rig: SDR Transceiver MB1 Ant: G5RV Junior 2 x 7.5m Little QSB-> S4-S6 
F6CRP  Denis  13/02/2024  1613  1  10  559  IN96KE  Click here to get position on Google Map  1563  RX : IC7300 Ant : dipole qrb : 1565 km 73 Denis F6CRP 
PA0LCE  Click here to get a full report list  Louis  13-2-24  14.57  1  10  539  JO21NJ  Click here to get position on Google Map  829  IC7400 without RF-PREAMPS. Ant.Fritzel FD3 +ATU. 
DL4FJ  Volker  13.02.2024  12:18  1  10  549  JN49KU  Click here to get position on Google Map  873  IC-705, Dipole for 7 MHz 
DL7ED  Edgar  13.02.2024  07:00  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO31LG  Click here to get position on Google Map  776  a little bit QSB 
SP6CPK  Boguslaw  12 Feb 2024  15:50  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO81MB  Click here to get position on Google Map  749  IC-7300, ant FD3 
ES6CO  helmut  02 12 2024  11.50  1  10  559  KO38KA  Click here to get position on Google Map  834   
SP9KD  Wojtek  11.02.2024  16:16  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO90WC  Click here to get position on Google Map  926   
SM0YSR  Robert  2024-02-11  1440  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO99BM  Click here to get position on Google Map  389  Indoors dipole (noisy). 
DL4KE  Juergen  11.02.2024  13:30  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO30JV  Click here to get position on Google Map  818  RIG KX3 - Ant Aerial51 9m abv GRND Is there an info abt beacons pwr vary when DAAH DAAH DAAH ? 
R1CCE  ALEKSANDR  11/02/2024  09:10  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  KP50FB  Click here to get position on Google Map  1055   
IU2GFF  Franco  10/02/2024  18.13  6  Click here to get a full report list  10  319  JN45JP  Click here to get position on Google Map  1330   
G4RHR  Ken Backhouse  10/02/2024  16.20  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO02PA  Click here to get position on Google Map  948  Some QSB with signal down to 519 but still just copyable. Rig is a K3S and antenna a multiband inverted L. QTH is near Felixstowe on east coast. I listened for 10 minutes and signal still solid. 
IK2NHH  Carlo  10/02/2024  16:00  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JN45QR  Click here to get position on Google Map  1313  Dipole antenna. QRM/QRN/QSB 
IV3TRK  Silvio  09.02.2024  07.30  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  439  JN65VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1307  instable signal slow QSB. Received with dipole orizontal antenna, IC7600. At this time signal is growing. 
DK3UJ  Dankwart Rachor  07.02.2024  1258  1  10  569  JO44NF  Click here to get position on Google Map  418  Vertical 5 m long direct on ground 
G4SJU  Steve  07/02/2024  0700  1  10  569  JO67KI  Click here to get position on Google Map  1  horizontal wire loop, 0.5m above flat roof. FTDX10. IO80FR 
IK2RGV  Steve  06 feb 2024  16:40  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  599   JN55ED  Click here to get position on Google Map  1367  Today SA6RR very strong in North Italy, 599 plus 15db, rig ICOM IC746 ant. INV VEE best 73, Steve 
DK4AC  Uwe  6.2.2024  11:08  1  10  529  JO52  4182   
HA0IU  Csaba  06. 02. 2024.  06:00  1  10  579  KN07TM  Click here to get position on Google Map  1240  QTH: Debrecen. Antenna: vertical dipole for 21 Mhz band, HI. VY 73! Csaba 
M0KXD  Dominic   05/02/24  16:59  1  10  559  IO94CH  Click here to get position on Google Map  973   
SP7UWB  Janusz  05-02-2024  15:50  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  KO01MB  Click here to get position on Google Map  876   
DK2LO  Olaf  5. Feb 2024  12:40  1  10  579  JO43US  Click here to get position on Google Map  444  Ant: vertical Butternut HF2V groundmounted Rig: K3 
N8CC  Jeff  5 Feb 2024  10:45  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  EN72KM  Click here to get position on Google Map  6565  QSB 
F6DKZ  Michel  02/05/2024  09:54  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN37KR  Click here to get position on Google Map  1142  Hello all ! 
OK2PWB  Vasek  2024-02-05  9:05  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JN89HA  Click here to get position on Google Map  958  Elecraft K2 + ANT LW 20M, UP 6M 
OK1FQB  Aleš Sodomka  3.2.2024  7:46  1  10  579  JN79VV  Click here to get position on Google Map  850  Nice signal 
SP3RNZ  Greg  2024-02-02  15:13  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO92EF  Click here to get position on Google Map  669  579 on s-meter FT-847 and InvVee apex @8m up to 599 in slow QSB. Great sigs! 
DL1EGU  Gert  01.Feb. 2024  16:01  1  10  519  JO31UO  Click here to get position on Google Map  720   
OZ1CGQ  Niels  Jan24 - 2024  13:00  1  10  559  JO57DD  Click here to get position on Google Map  157  My Antenna is EFHW for 80 meter also resonant at 30 meter UP 2.5 Meter  
OE8PRK  Raimund  01.02.2024  09:54  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  RIG. ICOM-736, Ant. FD4, QSB 
DL2GWZ  Alex  01-Feb-2024  9:54  28  Click here to get a full report list  10  539 QSB  JN49FH  Click here to get position on Google Map  939  Not so strong this morning but well readible in positive QSB phases. RXED at KX2 and 13 m vertical antenna. 
SV8ANW  DIMITRIS  30 JANUARY 2024  20:27  6  Click here to get a full report list  10  519 QSB  KM28CM  Click here to get position on Google Map  2249 
OE7WRH  Werner  30.01.2024  18:15  1  10  559  JN57IM  Click here to get position on Google Map  1102  VY73 from the Tyrol 
M0RJC  Richard   30 Jan 2024  1426  1  10  539  IO93GX  Click here to get position on Google Map  971  Initially faint but has now become stronger  
ON4CDJ  Patrick  30.01.2024  09:20  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JO11WC  Click here to get position on Google Map  906  AirspyHF+ D with homemade active receive loop 2m above ground 
DL4LBD  Dirk  2024-01-10  23:43  1  1.9  599  JO44DV  Click here to get position on Google Map  393  Your frequency 1.995 MHz is used by a local talkgroup in germany on 1.997 MHz.  
SP9KD  Wojtek  28.01.2024  6.45  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO90XB  Click here to get position on Google Map  933   
DL1HBT  Tom  29.01.2024  10:55  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO43WL  Click here to get position on Google Map  470   
DJ1OJ  Heijo  29.01.2024  07:00  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN58SE  Click here to get position on Google Map  1022  abt 10 minutes with steady signal observed rig: IC-7300 ant: 23m endfed 
IU4KPG  John  28/01/2024  17:30  1  10  559  JN54KS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1404  Qth Carpi - Yaesu ft920- vertical 
OE3TBU  Thomas  28.01.2024  0843  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN88KO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1008  QTH Hohenau ICOM-7300 Delta Loop 
TF3OM  Agust H Bjarnason  27. jan. 2024  19:30  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  HP94UH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1927  Very good and stable signal at Geysir geothermal, my summer cottage. RX is my KiwiSDR, Antenna is EFHW-8010. 
GI4JYJ/A  Geoff  26JAN2024  2215  1  1.9  579  IO64RH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1253  Airspy HF+ with long wire 
IZ5BBS  Renato  26-01-2024  17,05  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  409 qsb  JN54OA  Click here to get position on Google Map  1486  ic7400 lw7,5m 
DL9GHT  Hal  26.01.2024  14:04  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO64RC  Click here to get position on Google Map  363  Hej QSB--IC728 ant G5RV QTH:Greifswald 
DK5JM  alex  26,1.2024  13.45  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JO43VX  Click here to get position on Google Map  421  qsb 
SA6AJN  Click here to get a full report list  Gerry  2024-01-26  09:28  1  1.9  329  JO67GH  Click here to get position on Google Map  20   
SP9KD  Wojtek  25.01.2024  13.45  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO90XB  Click here to get position on Google Map  933  QSB 
DL5BW  Baldur  25.01.2024  00:15  1  1.9  579  JO41RI  Click here to get position on Google Map  702  NRD-535d 66m dipol near kassel 
DL1NZA  Hajo  24.01.2024  18.35  1  1.9  599  JO64UB  Click here to get position on Google Map  369  599 qsb 339 Qsb Periode by 40sec 
SP9KD  Wojtek  24.01.2024  15.10  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO90XB  Click here to get position on Google Map  933  5Watter with random wire. 
DL2GWZ  Alex  24-Jan-2024  16:25  28  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JN49FH  Click here to get position on Google Map  939  Not too strong today but 100% readible. RXed at 13 m vertical and KX2. 
ON5CR  Ron  23/01/24  12:53  1  10  559  JO11XC  Click here to get position on Google Map  902   
OM7PY  Erwin  22.1.2024  0730  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN98UI  Click here to get position on Google Map  1099  to my vertical ant 
DF5FT  Reiner  20.01.2024  11:19  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JO40EC  Click here to get position on Google Map  857  IC-7300 City Windom 
EA5GKA  RICARDO  20/01/2024  01:39  10  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  IM98QO  Click here to get position on Google Map  2302  RIG: ICOM IC-9100 ANT: INVERTED -V- RANDOM DIPOLE 33M 
PA2W  Martin  17-01-2024  22.13  1  0.5  529  JO22LF  Click here to get position on Google Map  761  Ant: L-ant 20 mtrs 
IZ6BTN  Claudio  17/01/2024  17:13  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  259  JN63MO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1527  Segnale basso ma pulito 
LA9QV  Stein-Olav Lund  17.01.2024  1040  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JP53FJ  Click here to get position on Google Map  685  Mye lokal el-støy (ca S4), men lesbar 
DK1HW  Click here to get a full report list  WOLF  16.1.2024  21:48  1  0.5  579  JO42TG  Click here to get position on Google Map  601  Ant: vertical 13m horizontal 50m Rx KX3 es Juma TX 500 
SM3OWZ  Click here to get a full report list  Per  16-01-2024  21:30  1  0.5  589  JP82XP  Click here to get position on Google Map  652  SDR-IQ 160m horizontal full wave loop 
SM6LKM  Johan  2024-01-16  21:15  2  Click here to get a full report list  0.5  599  JO67MR  Click here to get position on Google Map  43  Very strong signal! Received with active E-field antenna (Mini-Whip), Perseus and SDR++. 73 
DK3UW  Martin  15.01.2024  13:50  1  10  589  JO53DM  Click here to get position on Google Map  455  QCX and 160 m loop antenna 
SQ5M  Mario  15.01.2024  9:52  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  KO02GE  Click here to get position on Google Map  755  Elecraft KX3 Wire rectangle 140m  
OH3WE  Kai  14.01.2024  0820  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  KP20UX  Click here to get position on Google Map  833   
YL2FD  Andris  12.01.2024  7.40  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  KO26AW  Click here to get position on Google Map  674  Very loud for QRPP :) My Antenna - GAP Titan DX, 10 meters up earth (20 m up sea level). 
DM4MP  Mathias  11.01.2024  12:30  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO43GE  Click here to get position on Google Map  537   
DL1HBT  Tom  09.01.2024  11:24  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO43WL  Click here to get position on Google Map  470   
DK7RC  wast  07.01.2024  13:58  6  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN69II  Click here to get position on Google Map  888  3-band groundplane, qth 850 m above normal sealevel, rig ft1000 
PA0LSB  Jos  7-jan-2024  12:10  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO21LQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  809   
IK4WLU  Andrea  27/12/2023  16:30  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  529  JN54IS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1406   
SP5LXT  Adam  2024. 01.06  10:51  9  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  KO02MB  Click here to get position on Google Map  787  My Rig: FT-897, Ant dipol 1band 30m up 6m,signal QSB min rst 579, max signal rst 589. 
DH1HRX  Bernd  05.01.2024  12:50  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JO51XS  Click here to get position on Google Map  623  My Rig: IC-7610 / ANT 15 mtr Longwire / 15 mtr over Ground 73 es hny / Bernd  
YL2FD  Andris  04.01.2024  10.07  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  KO26AW  Click here to get position on Google Map  674   
G4LRV  Neil  01/04/23  10.04  1  10  579  IO80UX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1210  Solid reception in SW UK using a 13m vertical wire. Peaking 599 on an FTDX10 with both pre-amps. 73 Neil. Slow QSB. 
DL1AAA  Tom  04.01.2024  08:05  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO41XM  Click here to get position on Google Map  674  Signal is strong and very stable! 
R1CCE  ALEKSANDR  03.01.2024  09:00  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  KP50FB  Click here to get position on Google Map  1055   
F5NZY  Steph  03 Jan 2024  08:50  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  IC-7100, Inv-L (12m V + 20m H). A lot of QSB, down to 319. 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
IK4WLU  Andrea  02/01/2024  17:30  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN54IS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1406   
DL2GWZ  Alex  02-Jan-2024  12:36  28  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN49FH  Click here to get position on Google Map  939  Vy strong today rxed with 22 m endfed antenna and G90 
PA3BKD  Ruud  1-1-2024  15:40  10  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO21XW  Click here to get position on Google Map  747  Rig: FT450d with EFHW sloper wire. RST: 559-579 
DL5RDO  Dieter  01.01.2024  15:30  1  10  569  JN59KK  Click here to get position on Google Map  889  RX: Elecraft K3 ANT: Doublet 2 x 14 m 
OE8PRK  Raimund  01.01.2024  09:55  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  Rig: Icom-736.Ant.FD-4 QSB  
S58DX  Nermin  31.12.2023.  1708  231  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN65TW  Click here to get position on Google Map  1269  Good signal no QSB, 569. Band noise S1/2, Bandwith 500Hz, Rig Knwd TS890S, Ant. partiial W8JI Windom, up 23 meters, oriented N/S as an Inverted Vee.  
YL2FD  aNDRIS  31.12.2023  9.50  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  KO26AW  Click here to get position on Google Map  674  ft-710, GAP Titan, in Riga 
HF7X  Mirek  30.12.2023  13:28  1  10  599  KO01KC  Click here to get position on Google Map  866  FTdx3000 / dipole 
HA8WX  Miki  29.12.2023  09:10  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  KN06QR  Click here to get position on Google Map  1313  QSB 429-589, IC756 DELTA LOOP 
DH3MS  Stefan  28.12.2023  11:08  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  530  JN58LN  Click here to get position on Google Map  985   
HB9GIM  Per  2023.12.26  16:57  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN46DW  Click here to get position on Google Map  1198  Elecraft K4 - DX Commander/Vertical 
DJ5ZU  Herbert  25.12.2023  14:15  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  JO40EU  Click here to get position on Google Map  778   
DL8BCP  claus  24.12.2023  12,05  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO43MN  Click here to get position on Google Map  485   
DJ3XM  Ulfert  21.12.2023  11:30  1  10  539  JO53IX  Click here to get position on Google Map  398  Magnetic Loop 170 cm  
PA0KVA  Koen  21-12-2023  08:40  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO33KC  Click here to get position on Google Map  605  Rig: K3 Antenna: Doublet L=27m H=9m QTH: Veendam 
DL2XL  Karl Heinz  20.12.2023  13:55  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO31CE  Click here to get position on Google Map  809  hr new Dipol abt 10m high after my house. All reader mary xmas an mni qso for 2024 
DF5TR  Bert  19.12.2023  15:20  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN49OC  Click here to get position on Google Map  948  Rig Kenwood TS590SG with doublet 27m and 6m up. QTH Heilbronn. 
HB9BMR  Lorenz  17.12.2023  18:10  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN36NV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1225  Eltra BEam UB-50 
DF9TS  Gerd  16Dec2023  15:20  1  10  559  JN59SC  Click here to get position on Google Map  920   
SM5FNB  Goeran  Dec 16 2023  11.20  1  10  569  JO89HP  Click here to get position on Google Map  335  Yeasu FT-450D. EFHW Longwire. QTH Vasteras. 
F5NZY  Steph  15/12/2023  15h15  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  Hermes Lite2, OCF dipole. 
IU1AUG  Diego  15/12/2023  15:02  10  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JN35VN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1355  Radio KX2 ant. dipole 
F8GTQ  Didier  14/12/23  16h30  1  10  549  IN77WU  Click here to get position on Google Map  1550  Yaesu FT897 Ant Dipole  
SA3UTS  Tomas Skoglund  2023-12-13  14.10  1  10  559  JP73CI  Click here to get position on Google Map  671   
F5NZY  Steph  13/12/2023  08:08  23  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN09CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1201  Great copy, as usual, with QSB. Rig : IC-7100, Inv-L (12m V + 20m H). 73 de Steph, F5NZY. 
DL4HO  dieter  11-12-2023  09:20 - 09:35  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JO43UL  Click here to get position on Google Map  474  because of qsb up es dwn to rst 429 qth buxtehude nr hamburg rig trx elecraft kx2 wid random wire ant 
IV3AVQ  John  08/12/2023  15:17  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN66OB  Click here to get position on Google Map  1254  Ant: fritzel FD4 H.abt 15m inverted V RXT icom ic 7851 with qsb qth Udine  
DL2GWZ  Alex  08-Dez-2023  09:00  28  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JN49FH  Click here to get position on Google Map  939  Unusually loud this morning, up to S8 on my 12 m vertical and IC-7300. 
IK3XJO  Massimo  06/12/2023  16.08  1  10  599  JN65DL  Click here to get position on Google Map  1320  Some QSB. FT-1000MP - Vertical 5/8 
DL2GWZ  Alex  06-Dez-2023  09:05  28  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN49FH  Click here to get position on Google Map  939  Nice signal at 12 m vertical and IC-7300 
M0DNU   Alan  05/12/23  15:23  1  10  579  IO92BV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1056  FTdx 5000 80m LOOP BRAMSHALL UK 
DL9LBT  Jörg  05.12.2023  13:21  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO44QN  Click here to get position on Google Map  378  Band noise 5 but signal ok. Without qsb. 
SP2XX  stan  05Dec.2023  0835  1  10  579 QSB  JO94HI  Click here to get position on Google Map  489   
DH8HHA  Harald  04.12.2023  11:20  1  10  457  JN58TC  Click here to get position on Google Map  1031   
DF5FT  Reiner  03.12.2023  15:30  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO40EC  Click here to get position on Google Map  857   
F4HGA  Ghislain  12/2/2023  17h26  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JNO7DX  Click here to get position on Google Map  3404  Vertical antenna, IC7300 QTH Changé nr LR MANS. 73. 
OE8PRK  Raimund  02.12.2023  14:24  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  459  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196   
M0HNK  Richard  1/12/23  11:15  17  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  IO81QV  Click here to get position on Google Map  1163  Slight qsb with signal occasionally fading out, but generally very clear signal into western England (Herefordshire). Signal 10-20 dB above noise floor. Wellbrook loop (ALA5030LN) with RSP1a. 
F5ILS  Laurent   01/12/23  09:42  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559   JO10HK  Click here to get position on Google Map  1018  ft 990 - chinese JPC 7 antenna with severals radials on the earth  
F5ILS  Laurent   30/11/2023  15:30  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO10HK  Click here to get position on Google Map  1018   
DL2RWM  Meinhard  30.11.2023  09:00  1  10  579  JO62RJ  Click here to get position on Google Map  552  after 09:15GMT QSB 519-559 
S58DX  Nermin  29.11.2023.  1630  231  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN65TW  Click here to get position on Google Map  1269  Good signal no QSB. Band noise S2/3, Bandwith 500Hz, Rig Knwd TS890S, Ant. partiial W8JI Windom, up 23 meters, oriented N/S as an Inverted Vee.  
HB9KNT  Arthur  27.11.23  17.24  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN47QK  Click here to get position on Google Map  1126   
PA0AME  Alex  29-11-2023  09.32  1  10  557  JO21IS  Click here to get position on Google Map  812   
SM0GSY  Magnus  2023-11-29  09:16  1  10  52-549  JO89XI  Click here to get position on Google Map  371  Clean signal. Received with a KX3 and a EFHW. 
DL8OAY  Klaus  28.11.2023  12:04  5  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JO52OA  Click here to get position on Google Map  602  FTDX 5000MP Diamond w220 
M7BLX  DAVID  26/11/2023  15:50  1  10  329  JO02OO  Click here to get position on Google Map  910  IC705 EFHW NORWICH NORFOLK 
IV3DDO  Pier Giorgio  2023/11/24  17,30  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  519  JN65QX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1264  MHz 10,130 Well listened to the beacon. At 17,34 UTC lost signal. Best 73 - Pier Giorgio San Giovanni al Natisone - Udine - Friuli  
DL2GWZ  Alex  24-Nov-2023  14:35  28  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN49FH  Click here to get position on Google Map  939  Really strong right now at vertical EFHW and IC-705 
IC8CQF  Pasquale  24/11/2023  09:30  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JN70CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1868  This morning very strong Beacon signal in the Island of Capri, rtx TS2000, longwire antenna 
DL2GWZ  Alex  24-Nov-2023  08:19  28  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  JN49FH  Click here to get position on Google Map  939  Nice clear signal this morning at VEFHW and IC-705 
DL2GWZ  Alex  22-Nov-2023  14:27  28  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JN49FH  Click here to get position on Google Map  939  Clear signal at IC-705 and vertical EFHW 
DL2GWZ  Alex  21-Nov-2023  08:53  28  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN49FH  Click here to get position on Google Map  939  Very good reception this morning on the Vertical EFHW with IC-705 
SQ9KDX  Mike  21.11.2023  0851  1  10  519  JO90WC  Click here to get position on Google Map  926  Gap titan and ft-710 
PA1ALV  Hans  19-11-2023  14:00  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  519  JO22OE  Click here to get position on Google Map  754  IC705/inverted-v/Mat-tuner/nr Utrecht 
EI6LF  Brian  11/17/2023  17:30  1  10  599  IO52RN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1458  Doublet  
DL3NSM  Frank  15.11.2023  1245  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO64MH  Click here to get position on Google Map  338  QTH Stralsund Elecraft K3, 7,2m vertical, 12m high, 
SM0WRA   Per  231115  10:10  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO99CI  Click here to get position on Google Map  383   
SM5PNP  Lars  231115  09:53  1  10  449  JO89BM  Click here to get position on Google Map  307  QMX / Dipole 
EW6GB  Andrej  14.11.2013  16:20  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  KO45CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  960  Good signal! 73! 
OH1KH  Saku  13.11.2023  11:17  9  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  KP01TN  Click here to get position on Google Map  680   
F8FKD  Nicolas  12/11/2023  2020  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  IN88CE  Click here to get position on Google Map  1506  Heard 10131khz cw mode QTH north west France near Brest city 
F6CWN  Jeff  11./11/2023  2008Z  2  Click here to get a full report list  0.5  569  JN09TT  Click here to get position on Google Map  1116  Start of reception (barely audible) at 1633z The antenna is a Marconi 25m high and 100m horizontal. A peak signal was received at 2008 Z with a signal of 569. The signal is now constant and appears to be climbing. Good ideabeacon, it puts animation in human mode, Congratulations! 73: Jeff  
EA4EPY  bruno  11/11/2023  19:11  1  10  529  JN70XK  Click here to get position on Google Map  1892   
DL7AIG  Karsten  11.11.2023  16:10  1  0.5  579  JO62KI  Click here to get position on Google Map  555  active Antenna "DX1 Pro, RF-Systems" RX Flexradio 6600 
OK2PXJ  Václav  10 NOV 2023  2240  3  Click here to get a full report list  0.5  579  JN89RF  Click here to get position on Google Map  952  Icom R75, ant Miniwhip. Solid sigs, few QRN. 
DL9SUD   Click here to get a full report list  Helmut   10.11.2023  19:25  1  0.5  559  JO53QO  Click here to get position on Google Map  427  Riga:SEG 15 D ( MW); Ant:Dipol 400m 
F6ACU  Daniel  10 nov 2023  1748  3  Click here to get a full report list  0.5  419/519  JN38FC  Click here to get position on Google Map  1113  FREQUENCY 478.950 kHz 
SP2FKE  Jan  10.11.2023  13:10  1  10  549  JO93LG  Click here to get position on Google Map  594   
DK7ZM  Heinz-Robert  08.11.23  14.47  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JO40PP  Click here to get position on Google Map  780  very fine signal 
G4BSK  Mort  05.11.2023  06.30  1  10  559  IO81ND  Click here to get position on Google Map  1228  SW England 
IC8CQF  Pasquale  05/11/2023  16:05  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JN70CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1868  Stable signal, nil QSB/noise RX Kenwood TS2000, antenna EFHW 10Mhz, station on Capri Island above sea level 50 meter  
SP5JSZ  Zbig  2023 November 5th  06:58  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  KO02ME  Click here to get position on Google Map  776  Dipole. Solid 579, no QSB 
DK6PD  Harald  04.11.2023  1740  1  10  569  JO30RN  Click here to get position on Google Map  832  Rig ist TenTec Jupiter, Ant G5RV inverted feedpoint up 15 m endpoints up 10m 
OK1OM  Zdeno  04.11.2023  11:20  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  569  JO70KF  Click here to get position on Google Map  802  Used equipment: Kenwood TS-590SG, ANT FD4 15 m above the ground. From 10:45 UT to 11:15 UT RST 569 with small QSB to 559 
OE8PRK  Raimund  03.11.2023  18:16  79  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN66VO  Click here to get position on Google Map  1196  Rig. ICOM-736, Ant.FD4 QSB  
S50TX  Nejc  2.11.2023  19:30  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  579  JN75GX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1269  endfed 40m 
9A9RA  Milan  01.11.23  15:21  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  JN85KL  Click here to get position on Google Map  1347  End Fed abt 30 mtrs long antenna TS 50 
DK4KK  Hans-Joachim Rostek  31.10.2023  13:10  1  10  599  JO30MW  Click here to get position on Google Map  807  strong sigs 
OH3WE  Kai  31.10.2023  1400  4  Click here to get a full report list  10  539  KP20UX  Click here to get position on Google Map  833  QTH Lahti, KP20UX  
DL2NBU  Peter  2023-10-30  2100  1  10  589  JN59KQ  Click here to get position on Google Map  861  80/160m duoband-dipole 
IK5RNL  FRANCO  30 october 2023  18.00 - 18.33  1  10  539  JN53OS  Click here to get position on Google Map  1513  vertical end fed 5,70m on qth roof Florence trx ft897 73 
PA2WLE  wilbert  30-10-2023  08:46  1  10  519  JO21TL  Click here to get position on Google Map  802   
OM5OM  Zdeno  30.10.2023  07:05  1  10  599  JN98BH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1064  Used equipment: Kenwood TS-590SG, ANT G5RV 15 m above the ground. From 05:45 UT to 06:50 UT RST 599, often up to 20 dB over the nine. Sorry, the previous report should have been correctly from OM5OM (OK1OM at that time and OM5OM in Slovakia). 
OK1OM  Zdeno  30.10.2023  05:55  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  599  JN98BH  Click here to get position on Google Map  1064  Used equipment: Kenwood TS-590SG, ANT G5RV 15 m above the ground. From 05:45 UT to 06:50 UT RST 599, often up to 20 dB over the nine. 
F4FAP  Eric  29 oct 2023  1822  40  Click here to get a full report list  10  549  IN98DD  Click here to get position on Google Map  1411  FT900, EndFed 24m. 73 from Rennes. 
S50TX  Nejc  29.10.2023  17:20  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JN75GX  Click here to get position on Google Map  1269  endfed 
DF3CE  Wolf  29.10.2023  16.04  1  10  559  JN49QM  Click here to get position on Google Map  900  qsb rst 553 till 555 ant Hexbeam 10m osl 
DL1BFU  Manfred  29.10.2023  1425  2  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO43JC  Click here to get position on Google Map  538  TRX Icom IC756PRO3 Ant W3DZZ QTH Bremen 
GM0IFM  Colin  29102023  1150  18  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  IO89LB  Click here to get position on Google Map  948  Solid 559. RX Ant Vert. 
I1SOP  PIETRO  28 ottobre  21.21  7  Click here to get a full report list  10  589  JN44LM  Click here to get position on Google Map  1451  segnale molto forte poco qsb rtx elecraft k3s antenna dipolo multi banda qth near Genoa 
IC8CQF  Pasquale  28/10/2023  13:50  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  449  JN70CN  Click here to get position on Google Map  1868  vy QSB down, RX Kenwood TS2000, antenna EFHW 10Mhz, station on Capri Island above sea level 50 meter 
DK8XG  Winfried   28.10.2023  12:45  3  Click here to get a full report list  10  559  JO43WS  Click here to get position on Google Map  440  My Rig Icom 756 pro III, Ant dipole sym feeder 12m up, tuner hamware AT 402 

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